Cathy Merlin, Adventures in Lençois
An eventful return to Lençois… At the beginning of the book, you discover Cathy Merlin with her friends in the beautiful village of Lençois, in the heart of Brazil. In principle, the few days of green class should take place calmly, with sightseeing tours and leisurely walks. But very quickly, the stay does not start … Lire la suite
Gardening with your children
Cultivating, harvesting, feeding yourself – isn’t (a little) the meaning of life? Everyhting is « ok »: Junk food invaded our lives Plastic pollutes our rivers and oceans So we have to go back to the authentic, the natural. It’s urgent! Let’s start by changing our habits And (re)start introducing our children to the art of… gardening. … Lire la suite