Discover the world differently n°3

Make your children discover the world differently! Are your children bored in front of the TV or with video games? What if you were to offer them another way to discover the countries and peoples of our planet? This little Kids Experience « Discover the world differently » will help you! Browse continents and countries with interesting … Lire la suite

Fare giardinaggio con il vostro bambino

Coltivare, raccogliere, mangiare, non è forse questo (un po’) il significato della vita? Va tutto “bene”: Il cibo spazzatura ha invaso le nostre vite La plastica inquina i nostri fiumi e i nostri oceani Bisogna tornare all’autentico, al naturale. È urgente! Cominciamo cambiando le nostre abitudini E (ri) cominciamo a far conoscere ai nostri figli … Lire la suite

Découvrir le monde autrement n°2

Découvrez le monde autrement avec les enfants! Vos enfants s’ennuient devant la télé ou la console? Et si vous leur proposiez une autre façon d’aller à la découverte des pays et des peuples de notre planète? Ce petit Kids Experience « Découvrez le monde autrement » va vous aider! Parcourez des fiches continents et pays avec à chaque fois des thèmes … Lire la suite

Actividades en la naturaleza para niños

¿Quiere interesar a los niños por la naturaleza por medio del juego? ¿Sus hijos se aburren frente al televisor o la consola? ¿Tiene ganas de hacer una pequeña vuelta útil en la naturaleza donde sus queridos pequeños aprenderán mientras se divierten? ¡Nuestra colección de folletos prácticos « Kids Experience » lo ayudará a usted! Una … Lire la suite

Gardening with your children

Cultivating, harvesting, feeding yourself – isn’t (a little) the meaning of life? Everyhting is « ok »: Junk food invaded our lives Plastic pollutes our rivers and oceans So we have to go back to the authentic, the natural. It’s urgent! Let’s start by changing our habits And (re)start introducing our children to the art of… gardening. … Lire la suite

Discover the world differently n°2

Make your children discover the world differently! Are your children bored in front of the TV or with video games? What if you were to offer them another way to discover the countries and peoples of our planet? This little Kids Experience « Discover the world differently » will help you! Browse continents and countries with interesting … Lire la suite