The People of the Fish
Grateful – although surprised by the speed of their wedding celebration – Zia and Kadmeron begin a new life full of promise in the ginte of Split Rock. United to each other but far from home, they gradually find their marks in this harsh existence in the middle of the mountains. With the snow season … Lire la suite
The Shell Necklace
Lowinné, a young Aboriginal woman, eagerly anticipates uniting with Tughanah now that he has come of age. But the two lovers still have to be patient. For countless cycles, their respective clans have converged during their grand annual journey to Trowenna, the majestic land at the Earth’s edge. During one such journey, Lowinné has an … Lire la suite
The Gold Mountain
Distraught after the immense loss she has just suffered, Zia decides to continue her long initiatory journey despite pain and obstacles. She becomes aware of the fabulous heritage left by Lidova and realizes the immense expectations of the people who welcome her. Nevertheless, she must go through with her promise made to the old healer … Lire la suite
Je briserai mes Destins – La cité engloutie
Tout semblait écrit d’avance. Pourra-t-elle rompre les fils ténus de la destinée ? Lou Dessanges est une jeune femme sportive et ambitieuse, meurtrie à jamais par les destins tragiques. Orpheline à la mort accidentelle de ses parents lorsqu’elle avait seize ans, elle a failli sombrer dans la folie mais son amie de toujours, Sarah, lui … Lire la suite
Cathy Merlin – 5. Metamorfosi
Metamorfosi Cathy fa finalmente conoscenza con i suoi nonni in Irlanda. Scopre due persone adorabili, e comincia a conoscere molte più cose sulle sue origini elfiche. Trova un libro scritto da sua mamma, Marie. Le classi scolastiche diventano sempre più esigenti e un ragazzo, Brady, comincia a interessarsi a lei. Cathy non è insensibile al … Lire la suite
ÉCRITURE – Genèse d’une série préhistorique au Mésolithique
Décider d’écrire une série préhistorique est le résultat d’un long processus. Dans mon cas, l’introspection et la volition l’ont permis. Explications.