5700+ étudiants sur Udemy :-)

Un grand MERCI / Thank you à tous mes étudiants sur Udemy 🙂 Vous êtes plus de 5.700 désormais qui nous faites confiance pour les formations vidéo en ligne sur ce site partenaire. Nous continuerons avec Cristina de partager avec vous nos trucs & astuces pour vous rendre la vie plus facile, et plus… heureuse … Lire la suite

Where to meet History, temples and… Plenitude :-)

Hi there and BONJOUR 🙂 First of all, as you probably know it, we were several times in Thailand and it is – always – a deep and life-changing experience. There you can reach what we can call… Plenitude. Just look at that photograph below… Isn’t this a peaceful place inviting to meditate and reflect … Lire la suite

A better way to be mindful at work…

http://mindfulnessspace.com.au/mindfulness-infographic I think this infographic is cleverly designed so I share 🙂

Hey! I am on ello now.

… who wants to join me ? Check out here : https://ello.co/olivierrebiere Je suis sur ello désormais ! Qui veut me rejoindre ?

team building: The Good, the Bad and the Really Ugly

A few days ago, I came upon a really good article about team building activities… Indeed, sometimes it is hard to find out what a team building activity could or should be. We all know where the black and white are. But all the “50 shades of grey” do exist, even in the team building … Lire la suite

Making the show: a new Team Building portfolio

Well, every time you have to perform well in order to create the good atmosphere so your participants feel good: enjoy some photos of this craft on this page!